So, although I didn't keep up with this blog as well as I wanted to last year, I still did a pretty decent amount of writing! Best of all, I kept a pretty good paper journal as well. All in all, I was happy with how much of 2016 I actually documented. It was a good year overall! I thought I'd start 2017 with some highlights of 2016, to remind myself of what I have to be thankful for.
* We got a house in 2016! Finally, after two years of pining and waiting we were told in February 2016 that the house was ours, and we got to move in during April 2016. I can't believe we've almost lived there for a year now. I LOVE our home. It's my happy space.
* We adopted a puppy! She's the most hyper, most lovable, most frustrating, most fun part of my daily routine. Every time we teach her something new, I feel so proud. She's the best bedtime snuggle buddy ever. Plus she helps keep my anxiety at bay, and I love it.
* I spent way more time with friends and family! 2015 wasn't a great year for interactions, because I just wasn't feeling great. Last year I vowed to spend more time out, even when I wasn't feeling it, and I did. We had tons of dinner parties, rogue movie watching nights, went to events and traveled to see family. It was good for my soul.
* I made it through a whole year without letting my depression/anxiety get the best of me. There were days that were an uphill battle. There were times when I would have much rather stayed in bed all day than get up and actually face the world. I did it though. I pushed for the good, and faced the bad. I accepted the way I felt and took some days one hour at a time. I did it though, and I'm damn proud of myself.
* I made MEMORIES. So many memories. I've vowed 2017 will be the year of experiences, and not so much tangible items. It's easy to get caught up in buying things. I want to gain experiences instead. So, I started 2017 out with my very first RAVE. I love having a sister who is my partner in crime, who will push me out of my little comfort zone and go with me to a place that I had never been before. It was the best experience EVER. The people were amazing, the music was intense and intoxicating. Everything about that night was fabulous. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
I'm not really setting any goals or resolutions for 2017. Other than to open myself up to new experiences, of course. I'm just going to take things as they come. 2017 will be a year of exploration, introspection and, most exciting of all, growth. Here's to turning 33! I can't wait to see what it brings.