Sunday, February 23, 2014


If you're just joining this party (A.K.A., the madness that is Jessica's rambling thoughts), welcome! If you aren't a fan of utterly random musings, you might want to run now. You've been warned.

So last week was insanely tough. Work was intense, life was busy, and all I wanted to do this weekend was relax. However I was also in one of those modes where I just wanted to pamper myself. Do a little self-healing if you will. I went with my old standby from high school.

Nail polish.

Now see, when I was in high school I had shelves of nail polish. I used to love buying a new color, then painstakingly applying it just so. That, or I'd bug my spectacular mom into painting my fingernails for me :). I still remember sitting at the table and chatting with her while she made my nails shine.

Which is exactly what I did this weekend! My mom and I have an awesome relationship, and I love when she comes to visit. We went out, ate, laughed, and then I batted my eyelashes at her with a bottle of polish in my other hand. I mean, honestly. Who can resist my eyelash batting?

She can't!

Anyway the whole reason I popped in here was to say that nostalgia feels good. It's a good way to get out of a slump, to stop feeling stressed, or just to remind yourself that there's a lot of positives in your life too. If something as small as some time with my momma, and a $3.99 bottle of nail polish can make me feel like my life is on track? I'm a happy girl.

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