Just checking in today. There's a lot I've been debating on writing about, but haven't quite had the time to sit still and mull it all over. I have this thing about writing. It has to flow. If I sit down and no words come out? I walk away. Sometimes for an hour. Sometimes for days. If being a book reviewer has taught me anything, it's that forcing something makes it no fun anymore. I love writing way too much to make it a chore.
Here's some totally random stuff that happened this week:
* My March "Love With Food" box came, and it was epic. I've already started eating it. Don't worry, you'll get a full review soon.
* The hubby and I have both lost a noticable amount of weight and, now that we have a way to measure it, have improved our BMI's too!
* We have a vacation planned for four glorious days in Vegas for the hubby's big 30. I need this. He needs this. We're excited!
* I discovered chocolate almond milk. Holy mother, it's good stuff. Why didn't I find this before?
So there you go, a mini update just for you. I'll probably sit down and type something more meaningful on Friday but for now I felt like rambling! You're welcome.
Grats on the weight loss. Keep up the good work! :) Looking forward to seeing you both soon