Current Obsession: Cross-Stitch
As my project says: Life is Good.
If you haven't noticed yet, I go through hobbies on a rotating basis. One year, I knit or crochet. The next year, I am obsessed with nail polish, and the following year I spend entirely too much money on video games. It's always been like that. Now? I'm all about cross-stitch. It helps me achieve that weird balance between fierce concentration and relaxation. I don't understand it, but it helps with my anxious feelings. So yay for that!
Birthday weekend was amazing. I saw a hilarious musical, hung out with amazing people, ate entirely too much scrumptious food, laughed a ton, and napped in hammock. After coming back from vacation, and then feeling like I was sliding back into a funk, this last weekend really helped a lot. Work gets stressful, but friends keep me grounded. My 30's have been treating me well.
Next cross-stitch project is a tiny one, then on to a set of bibs for a friend who is having a baby! I'm excited :).
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