Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Sleep, the tired frontier.

So, I'm usually pretty good at sleeping. I mean, let's be honest, I can pass out and take a nap in the middle of the afternoon with basically no issue. I go to bed by 10 PM every work day, and follow the "don't look at you phone too close to bed" rule. I'm one of those who is a zombie if I get poor sleep, so I just kind of try to get the best sleep possible. I'd guess you'd say that sleep and food are pretty equal on my spectrum. Ha. Important things to this girl.

Which is why I've been so annoyed with my sleep lately. For about the last 2 to 3 months, I've been going through long periods of really restless sleep and waking up groggy and cranky. I've gotten pretty addicted to coffee, because it's the only thing that makes my brain function so early in the morning. Not that coffee is bad, but I felt like I needed to do something. Why would I have gone from such a great sleeper to a terrible one?

I downloaded an app to find out.

For the next three weeks I'll be tracking my sleep every evening.

Here's what a fairly good night of sleep looks like! You don't want to see last night. Ugh. Trust me. I'm trying to pinpoint what I'm doing right/wrong, or what I can do differently.

The other cool thing about this app is that it wakes you up naturally, during a period sometime in a half hour that you set, when you're already headed towards being awake. The three days I've used it, regardless of my actual sleep quality, I've been way more awake and alive when I finally get up. It's a NICE feeling.

Isn't it crazy that we live in a world where there are apps for everything?

I was telling B that it's crazy how we barely go to the grocery store anymore. Everything is mailed to us. Which is kind of nice, actually, because it limits impulse buys. We had to go into Winco for our party last week and.. I bought bear claws. Because they were by the front door. Oh well.

So yeah, sleep tracking is a thing now! Let's see how this turns out.

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